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Accreditation Resource Teams
As a new service to international academic, the Accreditation Resource Teams will provide a direct and custom-made response to the needs of international academic concerning Accreditation around the 10+1. (This is in contrast to the multi-college plenary, institutes and regional trainings provided by the Accreditation team before 3 years.) These teams consider the problem statement developed by the Accreditation team regarding an issue, and then create training and potential solution options adapted to the requesting Academy Nature and student populations based upon Academic Accreditation positions and papers.
Former and current executive board members, former and current members of Academic Accreditation team (such as the Accreditation and Curriculum Committees). Team members are faculty members who have actively participated in the area of practice the requesting college identifies, such as faculty who co-chaired accreditation studies, were on LBLAÂ visiting teams, contributed to the development of program review, program discontinuance, or budgeting policies.
Lecture-type presentations, interactive sessions, coaching or mentoring sessions, development of training materials or workbooks and other methods to assist training international institutions in successful accreditation.
 The Accreditation Resource Teams will search about 10+1 qualified institutions in the world to give them the high LABL accreditations.
Dependent on the resources needed to accomplish the goals of the college. Costs will include Accreditation reimbursement, and materials.
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