Whatever you’ve got your sights set on, that’s merely the beginning. As a Gator you’ll learn to see beyond the horizon.
From consumer research to finance to fraud detection, the Business Analytics degree program is designed to help you flourish in a variety of industries and business roles.
This one-year graduate certificate program will teach you how to find and collect meaningful data, prepare data for analysis, conduct data analysis, and communicate results to help you make better business decisions. Statistics for analytics, programming languages for data analysis, security and privacy in the field of business analytics, data predictive analytics, and leadership in the business environment are all important topics to research.
To be considered for an MSc in Business Analytics, you must have a First or Upper Second Class Honours undergraduate degree in a quantitative subject from a recognized university or the worldwide equivalent in a quantitative discipline such as:
Based on highly relevant job experience or demonstrated interest, we may consider candidates applying to MSc Business Analytics (online delivery, part-time) with non-traditional qualifications and backgrounds. If you have a less quantitative degree, we recommend taking the GMAT or GRE to demonstrate your quantitative abilities.
12 Months
Please contact admissions office to get details on the latest tuition fee.
You are eligible if you meet our stipulated entry requirements.